After 10 months of consistent blogging while in Jordan and making a promise to myself that I would continue my blog once back in the states...I obviously dropped the ball! So after a one-year hiatus I'm back! So here's a short recap for ya'll.
After 10 months in Jordan, I returned to Chicago in Jul 2010.

(At 'The Bean' in Millennium Park, Chicago)
After spending some quality time with my family, I moved back to Madison to finishs up my degrees in Anthropology and Political Science. It was a busy year. Working at Husnu's as much as possible, staying involved with my AIESEC LC doing TM and coaching, studying, falling in love and of course having fun!

(I admit, I'm a cheese head! Posing in front of a huge block of cheese...on Wisconsin!)
After starting college in 2006, in mid-May I got that long awaited piece of paper...aka my diploma! Now I can proudly say that I am a member of the University of Wisconsin-Madison class of 2011! Woot!

(Doing our "AIESEC-Madison" pose in front of the capital building, Madison, Wisconsin)
It's been a crazy 2 weeks in between graduation and my departure for Jordan. Move out of Madison. Move into parents house in OP. Host a graduation party! Travel to Puerto Rico! Pack for Jordan! So much happened in those 2 weeks that it's hard for me to comprehend, but all in all it was the perfect way to say goodbye.
And here we are now. I just arrived in the Jordan late last night! After almost a day of travel, I landed safely in Amman and was greeted by my friends at the airport. Then we went to downtown Amman for dinner at my favorite place for hummus and falafel, so zakee! After dinner all I could think about was crashing in my comfy twin bed, but instead I spent a few hours unpacking, setting up my new apartment, and chatting with my roommates.
It's odd because on the one hand Jordan is already so familiar to me. I know my way around and there are tons of AIESEC friends still here. It odd how long and at the same time short this last year has's almost like I never left. But on the other hand, I have a completely new set of responsibilities as an MC member and I'm living in Amman, which I know will be completely different than my days in Irbid. And of course as with AIESEC there are ALWAYS new members and interns to meet.
We have TACTIC, our national conference coming up just next week! So I've got sessions to prepare, meetings to attend, and on top of that a boat load of transition...all at the same time trying to get re-acclimated.
All I can say is that I am anxious and excited for the coming weeks!