1. Halloween.
Halloween is hands down my favorite holiday, especially when in Madison. To dress up and be someone else for a day (or 3 days -- Halloween is an entire weekend on my campus!) is so much fun. Since I was little I always loved to play dress-up, still a favorite pass-time of mine. I even have a dress-up chest in my room, wallah! Ready to go the second anyone says "themed party" or whenever there is an AIESEC conference.
So it was strange not participating in the traditional festivities this year. But praise Allah for Meena Zia! She kept the Trisha King persona alive by being ME for Halloween! HAHAHA. Amazing. Shocking to see the resemblance, utterly jaw dropping, ha.

2. Thanksgiving.
Probably 2nd favorite holiday. Usually a time to spend with family and friends, cook lots and lots of delicious food; mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, string beans, apple and pumpkin pie....ugh not to mention the gravy! Boy am I making myself hungry. And play charades and cards -- a somewhat tradition in our family. As this was my 1st Thanksgiving away from home, it was a little weird. It was more like the holiday came and went and somehow skipped right past me.
No Tofurkey for this veg-head, just traditional Lebanese cuisine. On a good note, it was oh so delicious and I was in Beirut, Lebanon....so I think I've got a lot to be thankful for.
Christmas is coming up....a.k.a. favorite holiday #3. Expecting a merry time with friends, possibly in Bethlehem and Jerusalem, confirmation coming soon.
Trisha I'm honored to be able to embody you while you are away! You better come back fluent in Arabic and ready to tell me everything you did while abroad!